How to Not Suck at Money
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This site is a collection of five topics and a variety of games to learn and practice financial skills. While it covers all of the topics of the Plan of Financial Happiness it doesn't provide as much detail and there are some differences in strategies.
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Downtown area (scrolling to the left):
Topic #1: Budgeting
The 50/20/30 budget doesn't provide for Investing or Charitable Contributions. This is why we have a 60/20/10/10.
Topic #2: Know what you owe
Credit Cards and keeping up on payments.
Topic #3: In case of emergency (this may have been the first topic that you completed upon opening the software)
Setting aside money to cover emergencies so you don't have to go into debt.
Topic #4: Choosing a bank
Why and what to look for in a bank.
Topic #5: Getting a car
Leasing vs Ownership
Topic #6: Bad debt vs better debt
Classifying different types of debt.
Topic #7: Spending Habits
Classifying different types of purchases.
Click on the "Go to Campus" button at the top of the screen (scrolling to the left):
Topic #1: Optimizing student loans
Understanding the loan and payment options.
Topic #2: Starting to invest
ETF's, Mutual Funds, & Bonds/CD's. (In this course we treat Investing as a fixed expense, a higher priority than the website)
Topic #3: Cryptocurrency
Crypto and volatility. Crypto vs Stock
Topic #4: Grow your savings
Rule of 72 math
Topic #5: Make it a habit
Using banks features to automate savings
Topic #6: Moving out
Cost of Living, costs of renting, and paperwork to secure a lease. (remember we have a 60/20/10/10 budget that includes Investing and Charitable Contributions and that 30% is the max that should be spend on housing related costs - not just the monthly rent).
Topic #7: Save for your goals
Costs of common savings goals.
Topic #8: Starting a new job
How to compare job offers.
Topic #9: Loose change
Length of time to create a $500 emergency fund. (We recommend a $1,000 emergency fund in order to cover insurance deductible, possible tax liabilities, and healthcare deductibles.
Topic #10: Investment plan
Dollar amount to invest to hit an investment goal.
Topic #11: Building an investment strategy
Pros and Cons of different types of investments.